By Matt Howe
December 12, 2019
Today is Wednesday, December 11th. We are only two weeks away from Christmas and believe it or not, this 39 year old man has his fingers crossed for a White Christmas. I love snow! As a child, one of my favorite things to do was to play in it. I loved to go sledding with friends. I loved to build snowmen with my dad. I loved to throw snowballs at my sister and I loved to make snow angels and other fun creations in the freshly fallen white stuff. In fact, one of the things I love most about snow is that even if only for a few short hours, it creates a blank landscape. No blemishes, it hides all the ugly. It erases the "less than". It makes one giant canvas for any artist, big or small to create his or her masterpiece. Lately, I feel like thats how it is with FCA in Cincinnati. We have been provided with a blank landscape; a giant canvas with which to create something truly glorious. I can imagine us looking back 3-5 years from now in awe of all that God has done in and through this ministry. I have no doubt there will be dozens of huddles: multi-sport huddles, team huddles, coaches huddles, etc.. There will be camps (plural) in Cincinnati and through these camps, athletes will come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. There will be programs and events taking place around the city that are helping to grow and disciple coaches and athletes alike. Most importantly, there will be hundreds of men and women serving in the ministry. They will be paid staff: directors, reps, ambassadors. They will be board members, character coaches, camp staff, huddle leaders, etc. TEAM FCA will have grown exponentially and more importantly, the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN will have grown exponentially. How? By coaches and athletes, staff and volunteers telling others about Christ. Christ, the One who like a fresh fallen snow makes us pure; without blemish. The One who covers our imperfections; hides all the ugly and erases the "less than". Praise be to God in advance for all that He is going to do through FCA in the days, weeks, months and years to come!